• DoubleC

    I’ve been told that if one wants to study art, then few countries retain the tradition of academic art as the underpinning of their course program, Italy and France typically named as the lone relics. Academic art is all about learning discipline and observation, after all, and I do not see why shouldn’t you pass judgement on the laisseze-faire approach of the contemporary art education where ephemeral concepts are valued more than ground facts and innovation is expected to happen with little input from historical awareness.

    Perhaps this trend is a dip in the general progression of things, and all shall level out eventually? Then again, perhaps yours is a typical reaction of a man of his time to his underwhelming reality, reflective of Sturgeon’s Law which posits that 90% of everything is crap.

  • irajgreenberg13

    Interesting comment. I do think there were historical periods in art where even the crap was pretty good 😉

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